Saturday, March 21, 2015

Tumbling Thoughts

Thoughts jumbled up and tumbling over in my head as of late:

  • Shame, it paralyzes the soul from living in hope and freedom. Shame never aids us in doing the right thing. As a matter of fact it most always takes us to a dark place.
  • How the deep wounds from a painful childhood block a person from having a healthy view of God. Wounded we come to Him with our shield in place – all self-protected, ashamed and feeling unworthy. Our trust is undermined by the lies we make agreements with in our hurt.
  • Acceptance often comes by way of a wrestling match; we tussle back and forth between accepting truth and denying it until finally truth plants a flag of victory and claims the heart free and clear. Until the next round. We humans make things so hard.
  • What kind of person do I want to be as I grow older? How can I glorify God in even the most difficult elements of aging?
  • The significance of surrendering daily all of me, my whole being, to the Spirit so I may be more aware of God's presence. I am trying to learn the best way to make this a daily discipline.

Heavy stuff, right? But then again, here is what I am reading:
  • The Utter Relief of Holiness, John Eldredge
  • Lectio Divina, the Sacred Art, Christine Valters Paintner, PhD
  • Anatomy of the Soul, Curt Thompson, M.D.
  • God Attachment, Dr. Tim Clinton and Dr. Joshua Straub
  • Pursue the Intentional Life, Jean Fleming

Hopefully some of these thoughts will blossom into creative work to take effect on hearts needing healing. On the brighter and lighter side I am taking a trip to England via Susan Branch's book, A Fine Romance: Falling in love with the English Countryside. Delightful! A nice balance to all the heavy contemplation. And of course I am reading my new issue of Bella Grace, a magazine inspiring thoughts of beauty and creativity. Where is your reading taking you? Or maybe you've had some new training for your job that has challenged your thinking. I would love to hear about it.