Slow Down & Savor
at the bulletin board above my desk, a sense of disloyalty washes
over me. The autumn pictures that give me such joy will soon be
replaced by Christmas ones. I wonder what it would be like to extract
every bit of sweetness out of each season, not allowing man-made
holidays to push me along. Winter doesn't begin until December 21st
by the calendar year. What if the snowman collection crowding the top
of the pie safe didn't make an appearance until the changing of the
seasons? Of course I do favor autumn over all the others, but why
must we rush along as if we were about to see our favorite celebrity. The One who made the seasons is the greatest of all and
He didn't rush, but methodically made a plan to inhabit the flesh of
a baby, grow up, make fishers of men, die on a cross, raise from the
dead and lift up the hearts of believers everywhere in anticipation
of His return.

times I felt overwhelmed and unsure of how I would manage, but I do know
something about savoring: a beautiful magazine, a well written book,
looking into the sparkling eyes of a loved one as they tell their
story, the exquisite prayer journal by a dear friend, or a delicious
piece of dark chocolate. These are things I slow down and savor. I am
tempted to absorb these treasures all at once, but usually I am able
to take my time and truly enjoy each picture, each bite, each story,
each phrase, and each prayer. Why does this time of year, with all
the twinkleling lights and sweet treats, seem so devoid of the leisure
needed to relish in its meaning and significance? I could blame it on
consumerism or on others planning too many events designed to
commemorate Christmas; I suppose all those things have an influence
on me. But I am the one who chooses whether or not I will be deprived
of savoring the special moments between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I
have helped complicate Christmas with all the trappings and
expectations I put on myself.
misunderstand, I enjoy some of the trappings of Christmas: the
happiest music, gift giving, decorating and extra baking. The point
is I do not want to get so caught up in the trappings that I forget
to think about why I cherish each person for whom I wrap a present. I
don't want to miss out on meaningful fellowship. I don't want to
disregard how the garnet-colored
pomegranates hang heavy like ornaments on the pomegranate tree. I want to watch the hummingbirds sip nectar from the Aloe Vera blossoms. I want to sip coffee with my daughters and hear about their daily doings. I want to enjoy the process of decorating the Christmas tree and not feel as if I must do this, but that I delight in doing it. I want to watch Christmas movies with my husband without worrying about all the items needing crossed off my list.
pomegranates hang heavy like ornaments on the pomegranate tree. I want to watch the hummingbirds sip nectar from the Aloe Vera blossoms. I want to sip coffee with my daughters and hear about their daily doings. I want to enjoy the process of decorating the Christmas tree and not feel as if I must do this, but that I delight in doing it. I want to watch Christmas movies with my husband without worrying about all the items needing crossed off my list.
As I read back over this post, I realized I have a theme going: I am not wanting to miss the meaningful moments in life. Being intentional about paying attention is hard work sometimes. I
am looking for ways to make room for more joy, less drudgery. I
choose to spend less time and energy worrying about getting
everything done and more time enjoying the process of preparing to
celebrate the incarnation and what it means for all the people I
love. I would love to hear how you strip away some of the "shoulds" of the Christmas season and find ways to delight in the moments made with the people you