The end of May seems
to be right smack dab in the middle of the second busiest season of
the year for us; the first being Thanksgiving/Christmas. It is the
season of graduations, Mother's Day, birthdays and Father's Day with
an occasional wedding thrown in the mix. I am feeling desperate for a
vacation. This year due to a couple of unplanned events we have
gotten a late start on deciding the what, when and where of vacation.
As we jockey for a position between co-workers' vacations, we
penciled two possible options on the calendar from which to give
ourselves a week of renewal. One of the seven-days-in-a-row time
frames has a family event attached to each end of it. Then we have to
wrestle with the idea of missing one or book ending our much needed
week with celebrations. Those of you who know my husband and I know
we like to be at family events, but rarely mix these gatherings into
a recipe for vacation.
Vacation means
something different for everyone. When I was a kid it mostly meant
parents took a week off of work and did projects around the house; we
didn't go on vacations. Summer vacation was a reading fest for me; it
was a time to roam outside and daydream. Childhood summers were
filled with helping my grandma in the garden, snapping beans and
pitting cherries, visiting cousins in Cincinnati, family reunions and
going to the county fair. We didn't go on trips, but I dreamed of
seeing the world one day.
Not only have I not
seen the world, I haven't even left the continent of the United
States and I dont have a passport. No pity here. I have taken
vacations though. You know, gone places and done things. I rarely do
a stay-cation. I like to get out of town and mill around someplace
with which I am unacquainted. I love tucking away the part of me that
cares so much and rest. Resting for me is reading, discovering quaint
shops, used book stores and lovely little hikes. Discovering
unexpected treasures apart from the plan is one of the best parts of
a restful vacation.
One year Jim and I
drove north on the coastal highway, a beautiful experience; at one
point I spotted a whale spout, then another and another. We finally
pulled over and watched for spouts as my excitement grew and
awareness dawned; the gray whales were migrating north. I loved the
idea of joining them. That particular vacation was packed with all
kinds of adventure and, to my husband's surprise, my greatest joy was
in seeing the whale spouts off the coast and the feeling of
connection to the whales' migration.
I do love going and
seeing. I love road trips, but I miss summers off and just being a
kid. Fortunately at this time my schedule is somewhat flexible, but I
have some extra work pressures right now related to licensing. So
just in case I don't get enough of the kinds of things I need on
vacation (How can I, it is just a week?), I am making a list of ways
to insert mini-vacations into my summer. I will have to discipline
myself to work these in, but me thinks this may work in conjunction
with my efforts at Sabbath rest. Here are a few things that give me a
dose of the good ol' summer time kind of relaxation, as well as
remind me of my grandparents.
- Nurture potted plants on the patio and throughout the yard. Even planning on a herb pot outside the kitchen door.
Reread childhood favorites like:Professor Diggins Dragons by Felice Holman (Has anyone else read this one?)Up the Road Slowly by Irene HuntPippi Longstocking by Astrid LindgrenHeidi by Johanna Spryi
Sketch and color
Blow bubbles (I know some of you are laughing right now, but bubble blowing is calming. Maybe you should try it.)
Sew a fun project (nothing necessary or serious)
Make a picnic like grandma: fried chicken, potato salad, sweet pickles, cheese, and sugar cookies
Visit the nursery that has farm animals
Eat ice cream at the beach
Better yet, make homemade ice cream
Fly kites
What are your
vacation plans? What are the summer time activities you find relaxing
and reminiscent of childhood summers?
P.S. Photo looking through the gate at my grandparent's home was taken by my niece Kadi J. Love.