am not sure if I am writing about hospitality, stories or something
else. Maybe I should first tell you how stories have their grip on
me. It began with being read to, memorizing the rhythmic cadence of a
rhyme and sounding out words to read. As a child it was the beautiful
stories of hope and happily ever after buoying me up in the midst of
a messed up family. My mind and heart were captured by words woven
into stories. And at the time I didn’t see the value of my own
was the true story of Jesus told in Vacation Bible School – His
love for me – that drew me forward to His forgiveness and gave me
real hope. Over the years I have been challenged, encouraged and
strengthened by the true stories of God’s Word. As I grew in my
relationship with Jesus I began to see value in my personal story.
fascinate me. I love reading stories of people who have overcome
great difficulties and I love playing with words – writing real
stories people can plop themselves into and find some encouragement
along the way. Bit by bit I began sharing my story. It was in the
tangled chapters of dysfunction and confusion I felt God inviting me
into a place of healing, not only receiving healing but receiving a
call to facilitate healing into the broken places of other people’s
when I read Peterson’s words I began to see in me a hospitable
place. Kristen Schell, writer of The Turquoise Table,
says, “. . . learning to listen and be present is paramount if we
are to take every opportunity to open our lives and homes to others.”
Henri Nouwen’s words confirm the link between listening and
hospitality, “Listening is a form of spiritual hospitality by which
you invite strangers to become friends, to get to know their inner
selves more fully, and even to dare to be silent with you.” I have
never considered myself as gifted with hospitality, but this gives me
hope: hospitality comes in many forms and one is being present to
others through listening.

I think I make people uncomfortable with my inquisitive nature and
desire to learn about their stories. When a vulnerable heart lets go
and shares bits and pieces of a tattered story my own heart leaps in
response to make a safe place to hold their story. This all sounds
good, but am I giving my dearest the same gift of hospitality? And
what about Jesus? Does my heart open up to His Words – fully
listening and believing the story He tells me of His love for me? Do
I listen and participate in the story He tells of my life line by
line and chapter by chapter – adventures of faith? I long to be
hospitable most of all to my Savior in the form of listening; I long
to be tuned in to His voice at all times. This requires me to spend
time everyday in stillness, listening. I am certain I could fine tune
my listening skills with all my loved ones.
if stories are important to hospitality, then listening is as well.
And whether or not you and I are especially gifted in hospitality we
can all learn to listen better. I encourage you to develop a
curiosity about other people’s stories; people have a deep need to
be known. Kristin Schell offers tips for becoming a better listener
in her book, The Turquoise Table. Here are a few:
Maintain eye contact
- No interrupting
Don’t solve or fix the problem
Pay attention to what is being said
Don’t be afraid of silence
sometimes use the phrase I have found to be helpful in counseling:
“Tell me more.” The speaker will feel welcomed when invited to
elaborate on his or her story. Telling our stories to a good listener
can be healing. Offer an ear full of hospitality to someone today.
we come together in genuine fellowship, offering one another a place
of hospitality, know that our shared stories are vessels for His
greatness to shine through. So my challenge to you and to me, not
only to offer hospitality by listening to others’ stories but to be
open to sharing how God’s love has brought hope and healing into
your own story.