The are several species of North American Flycatchers and according
to Wikipedia, Peterson’s Field Guide states, “The flycatchers are
the largest family of birds on earth, with over 400 known species."
The Black Phoebe is medium-sized and usually perches in low exposed
areas (the log in our back yard) near fresh water (the bird bath)
with tail bobbing up and down. A Flycatcher is known for its
acrobatics in flight – useful for snatching flying insects (main
diet) right out of the air. I have watched from our back door as a
Black Phoebe winged this way and that to catch its supper.
Flycatchers also have the ability to hover and snag an insect
directly from a leaf.
Those of us who
claim to be disciples of Jesus often buckle under when the enemy
shows up and threatens to take our peace, our families, our homes,
etc. I am not claiming we can take away anyone’s free will, but we
can certainly do battle in the Spirit against evil. I recently sat
across from a young woman I care about and listened as she shared the
intense battle going on in her home. I asked if she was familiar with
spiritual warfare (fighting in the spirit with God’s power and not
in the flesh – our own limited strength) and she said, “Yes”. I
strongly suggested she start praying protection over her home
For some of you
reading my blog this may be unfamiliar. If you are interested in
learning more about spiritual warfare there are many verses in the
Bible teaching how to fight the enemy of God, as well as good books
on spiritual warfare. Spiritual warfare involves praying the Word of
God and claiming His promises. The movie, War Room, is a good
example of spiritual warfare, along with Priscilla Shire’s book
Fervent. I also like John Eldredge’s book, Waking the
Dead. All believers have access to the power of the Spirit, the
same power that rose Jesus from the dead, but we often forget. I know
I do.
Priscilla Shire
writes, “Praying with precision is key. When we pray about
the places where we seriously suspect the enemy is at work – that’s
how we keep our prayers focused, not only on particular situations
but on biblical truths that are consistent with maintaining victory
in the midst of them. It’s how our praying stays integrated with
reality, rather than aimlessly wandering . . . Prayer is the portal
that brings the power of heaven down to earth. It is the kryptonite
to the enemy and to all his ploys against you.”
So how can I be bold
in the presence of the enemy like the Black Phoebe in the presence of
the Sharp-shinned Hawk? I have to read the Bible daily and know the
Word of God. I need an intimate relationship with God and to be aware
of His power and presence in my life at all times. This is essential.
To some degree I need to know how the enemy works, but he isn’t my
main course of study. I don’t know about you, but I want to know
how to access the power and tools God made available for me to use in
the face of the enemy. I suppose in some way you might call it my
acrobatic flight pattern, except I am not just wanting to escape the
enemy but to overcome him. And that is exactly what I am able to do
through the power of the Spirit.
I am reminded how
often I sit hiding in fear like the small birds hidden in the trees
while the hawk sits in the birdbath. I am not meant to live in fear
or be a victim of the enemy; God’s Word – the Bible – tells me
so. I shake myself and say, “Girl, what are you thinking? You have
the power of the Creator of the universe behind you and His Spirit
lives within you. You are not alone and you are not dependent on your
puny self to fight this battle.” I am so grateful for His patience
with me and His willingness to continue teaching me about prayer.
The Black Phoebe
knows by instinct he can out maneuver the Sharp-shinned Hawk. My
instincts are to hide and forget the power I have access to every
day. This year I am investing time in the spiritual disciplines –
reading the Bible, praying, studying, listening and being accountable
– so I will be less likely to forget what I have been given to face
down the enemy.