The month of October slipped by
without a word from me. And November is trying to make an escape as
well. I can tell you I have truly missed meeting you here. It has
been a season of:
- Weddings
- Trips with family
- Writing deadlines
- Trips to the doctor – Jim is just over half way through the 35 radiation treatments
- Celebrating a significant birthday (#60. Ouch!) I started celebrating early.
- Conflicted interactions with 4 kittens who have chosen our back yard for a part-time home and litter box
- Lunches out with Jim’s Dad and my Mom
- Reading and preparing for the next Spiritual Formation retreat
- More than the usual amount of dental work.
have been so busy and challenged in other ways that I find myself
moved to tears by moments of beauty. It is good to pause and
appreciate beautiful moments, places and people. And just a few
things going on in our lives. Every year I think I will slow down in
October and November to enjoy the changing of the seasons, though not
too noticeable around here. But nearly every year in the fall, life
gives me a shove and sends me sliding downhill into Christmas. Not
ready for that at all. I love the season of Thanksgiving. I prefer
not to rush it. But it was October as usual for me after all, with a
few extras woven throughout.
are some highlights of October. It was such fun dancing with my Aunt
Janice at my niece’s wedding. This was the first time dancing with
her since I was a kid. She taught me how to dance years ago. We still
got it! Several family members got up and danced to the group dances.
It was shocking when the list included the father of the bride. The
day trip to see the Grand Canyon before heading back home was
wonderful. The vastness and beauty of the Canyon were more than I
could absorb. It was like trying to swallow a whole meal in one bite.
Impossible! I had to savor what I could and accept a return visit
will be necessary. My Mom came home with us after the wedding. We had
fun shopping, drinking coffee and working on projects together.
deadline is pulling time out from under me and I scramble to keep up.
I am being challenged by His Spirit to face each day differently –
from a place of acceptance and trust. When so many wonderful
gatherings are crammed into little squares of time, I feel
overwhelmed; I am learning to consent. What do I mean by that? I am
saying “Yes” to the life I’ve been given at this moment and to
trust God for grace and strength. I don’t mean I resign myself to
this messy life but I consent to it. I am truly a beginner in
understanding what this means, but in the words of Jacques Philippe,
writer of Interior Freedom, I discovered an invitation to let go and
trust in a way I had never considered before.

what are you learning? What is currently filling the days of your