is a balmy day and the wind blows bringing with it the dark clouds. I
wonder if they will relinquish and give up the weight of their gift
to our back yard or move on to a better location. This year I am
giving myself up to learn to listen, truly listen. I wait to hear
words, a nudge, a knowing. Without a doubt some of what I hear will
blow in dark clouds, but I know His eternal plan means for all this
to be for good. While counseling a client, I share how God does not
give us a detailed blueprint for our lives with no surprises. But His
plans will be better than anything we can imagine, even when we are
looking at the dark side of a cloud. I do not mean to minimize
anyone's painful journey, but from my own experience I have found He
gives gifts in the darkness; He is there.
came across this quote rereading Bob Benson's book, He Speaks
Softly, “And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the
year: Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown. And
he replied: Go out into the darkness and put thine hand into the hand
of God. That shall be to thee better than light and safer than a
known way.” M. L. Haskins
like to see where I am going – to know I am going to get there and
to know the potential hazards along the way. There is something in me
holding fist-tight to the idea that I can bypass the hard stuff if I
plan well and carry a light for the darkness. I have come to realize
something and truly believe it the more of life I experience: We
don't get to see the complete blueprint. We are better off taking the
hand of God in the dark.
had a fun challenge stamp this on my heart: trust in the process, God
is in it and good will come out of it. My daughter, Laura, requested
I make a quilt as a gift for her college graduation. She found a
picture of one she liked with no pattern to be found. The fabric
layout was random and I had no clue how much yardage I would need. I
have sewn a lot over the years but not without directions and
measurements. I agreed to make it.
and I shopped together for the main pieces of fabric, but the other
random pieces and the layout was up to me. I have to admit I was a
bit anxious without instructions. I worried I would invest time and
money into something that would turn out to be a disappointment. And
I wanted to please my daughter as well. I wanted her to have a sense,
when she wrapped it around her, that love had been stitched into this
randomly pieced, one of a kind quilt. I wanted to delight her.
I took the risk and started sewing. It was a long process; I would
get the courage to add a piece or two of fabric and then I would have
to lay out other pieces and mull it over, deciding what piece
belonged next to the other. The pieces weren't put together as a
patchwork, sewn together then attached to batting and backing by
quilting; they were attached directly to the batting and backing. It
was scary. Bit by bit, more fabric chosen and purchased without her
input, and finally after six months of waiting I was able to give her
the quilt yesterday.
A few days passed and the text I received said, “Love you and love
love love my quilt!!! Ah, what a relief! Though I am overjoyed I have
pleased her with a love gift created without instructions, the
seriousness of this accomplishment was not as great as trusting the
hand of God in the dark. But I do love these ordinary, earthly
reminders when we step out in faith with only a Hand and not a plan
we will eventually arrive at a delightful place. There are many areas
of our lives in which we won't see the pattern all pieced together
with purpose until the other side of this life, but He continues to
graciously remind us the blueprint is in His hand and we need not be
anxious, even in the dark.
P.S. Thanks to Laura for the photos!
Julie, I just read a devotional today from Richard Rohr where he substitutes the word "Logos" for the word "blueprint." Jesus is Himself the blueprint! How surprising to come across this word again in the same day through your writing. Intellectually I easily assent to trusting Jesus for all the unknown, yet daily I recognize I must continually affirm that truth because life has a way of challenging it. Thanks for such lovely words and sharing your creativity with us.