jumbled up and tumbling over in my head as of late:
- Shame, it paralyzes the soul from living in hope and freedom. Shame never aids us in doing the right thing. As a matter of fact it most always takes us to a dark place.
- How the deep wounds from a painful childhood block a person from having a healthy view of God. Wounded we come to Him with our shield in place – all self-protected, ashamed and feeling unworthy. Our trust is undermined by the lies we make agreements with in our hurt.
- Acceptance often comes by way of a wrestling match; we tussle back and forth between accepting truth and denying it until finally truth plants a flag of victory and claims the heart free and clear. Until the next round. We humans make things so hard.
- What kind of person do I want to be as I grow older? How can I glorify God in even the most difficult elements of aging?
- The significance of surrendering daily all of me, my whole being, to the Spirit so I may be more aware of God's presence. I am trying to learn the best way to make this a daily discipline.
stuff, right? But then again, here is what I am reading:
- The Utter Relief of Holiness, John Eldredge
- Lectio Divina, the Sacred Art, Christine Valters Paintner, PhD
- Anatomy of the Soul, Curt Thompson, M.D.
- God Attachment, Dr. Tim Clinton and Dr. Joshua Straub
some of these thoughts will blossom into creative work to take effect
on hearts needing healing. On the brighter and lighter side I am
taking a trip to England via Susan Branch's book, A Fine Romance:
Falling in love with the English Countryside. Delightful! A nice
balance to all the heavy contemplation. And of course I am reading my
new issue of Bella Grace, a magazine inspiring thoughts of beauty and
creativity. Where is your reading taking you? Or maybe you've had
some new training for your job that has challenged your thinking. I
would love to hear about it.
We all come from a place of brokenness because even our very nature is broken. But that also places us in the best position to receive healing and wholeness from our Creator. We come to Him with the pieces of our lives hoping He'll glue us back together but then He offers us new life in Christ. And as pretty as some of our lives look when they are glued back together, it falls far short of being a new creation in Christ Jesus. I am one of the broken ones who have been given a new life.