came in a box delivered by the postman. It was heavy and required my
full embrace to carry it. I love getting things in the mail, don't
you? My friend, Terri, had told me several months prior to its
arrival she was working on something special for me. Nothing I had
imagined could have prepared me for the tremendous, sacrificial gift
of love she had created for me. I opened the box. On top was a lovely
embroidered drawstring bag and two cute cloth purses. Terri had made
all of them. But these items weren't the heavy weight present inside
the box. When I saw the cover of the prayer journal I was dumbstruck.
Gently I lifted it out and laid it in my lap. I read the letter she
had written of how she had prayed for me and my family everyday as
she created the 30 beautifully themed pages full of colorful and
beautiful details. I slowly turned each page of this interactive
artistic prayer journal and found a page dedicated to my husband and
one to each of my girls. Terri had learned things about each person
and added personalized touched to their pages.

came into my eyes. I could not remember a time when anyone had gone
to so much trouble for me. Me, the girl who had spent too many years
fearing I was too much for people. This dear friend had been prompted
by the Holy Spirit to put hours into creating a beautiful gift for
me. Every detail in this love soaked book tells me my friend has
taken the time to truly know me. I still can't fully find the words
to express how deeply this expression of love has moved me. It is as
if I had thought for so long I was just a ragtag girl and found out I
am a princess. This wasn't a gift from Terri, though she poured over
it with her heart and all the creativity in her fingertips released
an imaginative vision in hard copy, but it was a gift from God. He
validated my worth in whispered words of grace through this exquisite
and dazzling gift. I have added photos to give you tantalizing little
glimpses of this precious labor of love.
am reminded of another friend who received a large box labored over
with love. My friend Caity and I follow blogger Kristen Strong,,
and for her 40th birthday Kristen sent 40 boxes full of
thoughtful gifts for military wives. Caity was blessed to have gotten
one of these boxes delivered to her front porch. When she shared with
me I was so blessed and thankful someone out there who doesn't know
Caity personally blessed her in such a personal way. It was a
God-gift processed through a lovely lady full of heart for women
making sacrifices while husbands sacrifice and labor long hours here
and there for our freedom.
the mail delivery brings us heavy things, often the kinds of things
to weigh down the heart and drain the bank account. And so much in
the mailbox these days is just plain junk. Sometimes I have to order
some little fun thing just to get a pleasant surprise in the mail. We
don't write letters much anymore and so many of us miss mail: cards,
letters and packages. What is the best thing you have had delivered
to your home via mail? I would love to hear about it.
Kristen Strong has a book coming out in September. I am privileged to
be promoting it on my blog. Be on the look out for more information.
It makes me wonder why we do not spend more time investing in each others lives. Busy-ness strangles relationships and real connection. I hope to learn from Terri's thoughtful, loving gift. May I be as thoughtful and loving to others.