One would think we
were giving birth to a child that morning when my husband shouted
out, “It's coming out! Get your camera!” I asked, “Where's my
camera?” He replied, “In your phone.” I think I knew that, I
needed to know where I had laid my phone down. Scrambling for cameras
was preceded by Jim's discovery of a butterfly emerging from a
chrysalis, the second of three we borrowed from the Fennel plant in
our backyard in hopes of observing the metamorphosis of a butterfly.

Even as I write this
I am so bound in tiredness it is a struggle to do anything
productive; I am uninspired. It is in the middle of this fog when I
most need to take a break and go outside, or at the very least watch
an inspirational nature video. Check out this amazing story of a
humpback whale.
You may wonder what
I mean by getting my awe back. It means being present to enjoy the
moment, an awareness of all things beautiful in the world and people
around me, taking time to marvel at all this goodness, and being
grateful. You can count on me turning negative if I don’t take time
to live in wonder and grow in gratitude. These mini awe-inspiring
experiences lift my spirit out of the doldrums. Not only does this
help change my attitude, it also helps me focus on “whatever is
true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable” (Phil. 4:8) when I
allow myself to be present in these beautiful experiences.
Recently we had our
house treated for termites. I was home the day Miguel came to do the
trenching around the foundation. It was a nice day and I had all the
windows and doors open. Eventually I heard whistling, then singing.
This brought a smile to my face. Miguel was singing a beautiful song
in Spanish, and though I did not understand the words I understood
the melody. Pausing to listen brought some awe into my busy morning.
What a lovely experience! It was the first time I had ever heard a
stranger singing while working around my home. My spirits were
Paul tells us in
Philippians 4:8, “if anything is excellent or praiseworthy –
think about such things.” So when it comes down to it all these
beautiful moments should move my heart to worship. The greatest awe
factor is the Creator who designed all these beautiful details and
moments for me to enjoy; it is sad to think I miss some of them when
I am accomplishment driven and disconnected from my heart. I am ever
so grateful for His patience toward me. He continues to bring moments
of inspiration into my days even when I fail to pay attention.
It has been at least
two months since I have posted; I miss writing and sharing with you.
I would love to hear about the beautiful moments you’ve been given
to wake up the awe in your life. Feel free to leave a comment below.
And may you find your spirit lifted today and your heart in an
attitude of praise.
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