brain bounces from topic to topic trying to settle on one to write
about with the intent of posting on my blog. Lacking a definitive
theme leaves me a bit disconcerted; I read part of an article
recently about how blogs without focus won’t sustain readership.
This makes me think I am supposed to care about how many read my blog
as opposed to who may be encouraged or befriended after a visit. Let
me say this: I write first of all because I love to write, and this
blog is a wonderful outlet. There is another reason I write. Of
course I want people to read this blog but it isn’t as if I am
selling something. I write so those who come here might find a sip of
something cool to bring down the temperature of a tempestuous day, or
choose a sweet morsel of encouragement to savor in one’s spirit,
discover a soft cushion on which to relax – a place to discover
they are not alone and find focus readjusted on beauty, inspiring awe
and gratitude. I want this to be a beautiful gift enticing the reader
to explore the mysterious relationship between God, self and the
place they find themselves living this very moment.
is in the moments we live, is it not? Whether or not I am aware of
it, my life moves along with moments marching by at a steady pace. I
can either find my rhythm to match those moments or time slips past
without a backward glance. And if I don’t invest in these moments,
I may miss something important. I have been reading a lot about rest,
pausing, being present and opening up space for all that is truly
important; and I am discovering the really important things happen in
the small space of the sixty second moment.
is a spark of hope lit inside leading me to believe I can somehow
lure you, with a few well placed words, into following. Not following
me as the writer of “Out of the Woods”, but follow me, another
struggling human being, on a journey to find His presence in the
ordinary space of a moment in time. The moment may be the hardest
ever experienced or the most beautiful to behold, but always He is
there revealing Himself to us – teaching us, transforming us and
loving us. I bring you along, not so you will want to live my
moments, as we often do through social media; I bring you along to
inspire you to pay attention to the moments in your life.

I let my senses do the work. For example, before entering my work place, I watch a hummingbird sipping from a Bird of Paradise while birds in a nearby tree sing lovely, good morning songs.
I gave myself to help my husband with weeding the yard after all the heavy rains. Standing back after only a few moments of weeding and enjoying cleared spaces lifts my spirit.
Planting new plants throughout the yard and in pots. Just a little here and there makes a big difference to me.
Organizing the day so I can take time to chop fresh vegetables and cook us a nice meal.
Stealing away for a few minutes to read.
Bringing order to my desk.
Take a minute to breathe in the delicate, sweet scent of the Pink Jasmine in bloom.
Appreciating the strength of my husband’s hands and being thankful for him.
little things take just a minute or two but it helps lighten my mood
when I feel weighed down with the craziness of busy. I am reminded
there is more to life than the doing and there is beauty and joyful
moments all around to be embraced even when I feel I am pressed for
time. Let these moments wash over and refresh you for all they are
worth. They do add up. I also encourage you to plan for longer
periods of time for rest, but when the day is busy, seize the
moments. Pause, breathe and look around. What do you see, hear,
smell, feel and taste. I would love to hear about the moments you
experienced this week.
S. Since I haven’t been able to get a regular write/post schedule
going, if you are interested in receiving my blog in your email
please take a moment to sign up below.
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