Deadlines complete. Christmas boxed
and stored. Easing into a new decade. It was my desire in 2019 to be
more intentional. Was I? Yes and no. I intended to write and post
this blog at least 2 times during the month of December but I have
intentionally let myself off the hook. It was a big year for us.
There were big celebrations and we were in crisis. And yet we were
carried and changed.
there may be more in review on the past decade for now I would like
to share some of my favorite podcasts, books, etc from 2019.
books that spoke to my heart in 2019:
Back Roads to Belonging, Kristen Strong
Run With the Horses, Eugene H. Peterson
Interior Freedom, Jacques Philippe
Liturgy of the Ordinary, Tish Harrison Warren
also enjoyed reading Gennine D. Zlatkis’, Birds in Watercolor, Collage, and Ink. It was delightful and her colorful art is
read mysteries for fun and Charles Finch mysteries were some of my
favorites in 2019.
highlights this year:
- Spending time with my family celebrating my 60th birthday in a variety of ways. It was precious.
- Growing together in hardship. Some may think that strange but it is no small thing when two people face crisis and grow together. It is a gift.
- Discovering a deeper satisfaction with the life I have been given.
- Emile and Isaac’s wedding and all the wonderful family time included in that event.
- Seeing the Grand Canyon for the first time in years. It was marvelous. Can’t wait to go again.
- Collaborating with Pastor Jeff Love and Alive Church Tucson in writing discipleship lessons for children. It was a wonderful privilege and a learning experience.
- Spiritual Formation retreats in Chicago.
- New friendships emerging out of the Spiritual Formation program.
- Writer’s Workshop with Leanna Tankersley.
- Speaking at a women’s Christmas event on the Presence of God.
- The wonderful and challenging ways God is making me new.
those who read this blog, I am grateful for you. It is my heart’s
desire to bring hope and encouragement as well as invite you to look
around at the good in your own life. What is God’s invitation to
you right now at the beginning of this new year and new decade? One
of the things God is inviting me to do is nurture friendships and
make time for play.
I love your writing and your heart for others.