Bless this present moment. It is here You are working in our lives for our good and the good of Your kingdom. Whether we find ourselves captives longing to return to normal, wrung out by pain and loss as stability crumbles beneath us, or finding a way to remain rooted in the Living Hope, may we stay focused on the Light in the darkness. The darkness cannot overcome the Light of Christ. Help us keep our eyes fixed on the Light of life.
this present moment. It is here You are working in our lives for our
good and the good of Your kingdom. The present has its own kind of
hardship and hope. Help us soak in the truth of Your Word so we will
not grow fearful from all the outside influences. May our ears be
tuned to the voice of Your Spirit guiding us in the way of Wisdom.
Bless this present moment. It is here You are working in our lives for our good and the good of Your kingdom. You invite us into the ministry of reconciliation. In this place where we often feel rattled concerning our purpose, as we experience an overwhelming helplessness, may we be willing to bind the wounds of a world reflecting our brokenness one person at a time.
Bless this present moment. It is here You are working in our lives for our good and the good of Your kingdom. Give us courage to go and be light in the world remembering You have overcome the world. You told us not to fear. You gifted us with Your peace. Envelop us in the peace that passes all understanding. May we be faithful to bring all our worries to You with praise on our lips for Your faithfulness.
Bless this present moment. It is here You are working in our lives for our good and the good of Your kingdom. Enlarge our understanding of the Eternal Now. May we hold to the truth that as followers of Jesus we are eternal. Give us boldness to stand strong in the Truth.
Bless this present moment. It is here You are working in our lives for our good and the good of Your kingdom. Let us be diligent to put down markers as reminders of Your faithfulness now and forever. This is not the end of our story though we may feel overwhelmed with dread. The saints of Christ are overcomers and our story is victorious. Make us strong warriors of faith. Help us hold onto hope. Empower us by Your Spirit to “shine like stars in the universe” (Phil. 2:15). May our eyes be fixed fast upon You, forgetting ourselves, as we “hold out the word of life” (Phil. 2:16) to everyone around us.
When I read "for days like these" I know it's gonna be relevant. Thank you for the blessing.