do our chores, we eat our meals, we go to church, we chat with
friends and family. Life looks normal, but it is now a cover for the
invisible alien in our home. We work around it as we wait for its
removal. Others have had worse – we know some of those brave souls
– but this is our journey. We are hopeful but nervous. Thankfully
we know who keeps track of our days and has all the details of our
lives in His hands – our Lord and Savior, Jesus.
is a reminder our lives on earth are temporary. It is a reminder that
we do not know what tomorrow holds. It is a reminder to be clear
about how you want this day to be lived. It is a reminder to be
grateful for the people in our lives, the life we’ve been given,
and the simple things this ordinary moment holds.

keep living and working, that’s what you do. You link arms with
everyone you know and you pray. You trust God. If we truly believe
all we say we believe about Him, then we can trust Him with this
demand on the flesh. No amount of waiting on insurance can change
God’s plan.
make plans we know we may have to change when a surgery date is set.
We look forward to sunny summer days, barbecues, and my daughter’s
wedding. We celebrate significant birthdays. We will slow down for a
bit while healing happens, but we live our lives the best way we know
how, even in limbo. Isn’t it true we are all in between something –
waiting. So it’s a good idea to live the best we can today. Though
we are sometimes anxious not knowing, this is just a chapter in the
narrative of our lives; it isn’t how the story ends. For that I am
deeply grateful.
My paraphrase of 2 Chronicles 20:12 is, "O my God, will You not cure cancer? For I am powerless before this diagnosis and what may come against me; nor do I know what to do, but my eyes are on You." If our eyes are on Jesus each day, it is enough.